Artist's Notes
“In Vrindavan, Krishna, the enticer of hearts, grazes the cows; He whose Master you are, Krishna, the wielder of the Sharang bow, his name is Kabir.”
– Sant Kabir Das ji (Guru Granth Sahib, 338)
In this painting of Krishan ji, I really enjoyed meditating on Guru Gobind Singh ji’s translation of Bhagvad Gita, and also this line by Guru Gobind Singh ji from his own work of Krishnavtar –
ਬਾਲ ਰੂਪ ਹ੍ਵੈ ਉਤਰਿਓ ਦਯਾਸਿੰਧੁ ਕਰਤਾਰ ॥
(Dayasindhu) That Ocean of Grace, (Kartar) the Creator, became the form of the Child [Krishna] and arrived here (on Earth).
Here I really enjoyed Guru ji’s symbolic use of ocean to indicate the vast nature of the Graceful Creator. So in my painting, you will see Shri Krishan ji emerging from the Ocean of Grace to Grace humanity with His Play. This is the dominant theme.
The other thing I wanted to highlight was the description by Guru Nanak Dev ji. He sings the praises of Shri Krishan ji and describes his beautiful eyes and his youthful appearance, with golden body –
ਤੇਰੇ ਬੰਕੇ ਲੋਇਣ ਦੰਤ ਰੀਸਾਲਾ ॥ ਸੋਹਣੇ ਨਕ ਜਿਨ ਲੰਮੜੇ ਵਾਲਾ ॥
Your eyes are beautiful, your teeth are beautiful, beautiful is your nose and long hair.
ਕੰਚਨ ਕਾਇਆ ਸੁਇਨੇ ਕੀ ਢਾਲਾ ॥ ਸੋਵੰਨ ਢਾਲਾ ਕ੍ਰਿਸਨ ਮਾਲਾ ਜਪਹੁ ਤੁਸੀ ਸਹੇਲੀਹੋ ॥
Golden body, decorated with Vajyanti garland, chant Krishna’s name, o sisters fair.
ਜਮ ਦੁਆਰਿ ਨ ਹੋਹੁ ਖੜੀਆ ਸਿਖ ਸੁਣਹੁ ਮਹੇਲੀਹੋ ॥
You will not have to stand at the door of death, if you listen to this teaching with care.
ਹੰਸ ਹੰਸਾ ਬਗ ਬਗਾ ਲਹੈ ਮਨ ਕੀ ਜਾਲਾ ॥
Listening, the hypocrites are transformed into Saintly Swans; their mind’s entanglements tear.
ਬੰਕੇ ਲੋਇਣ ਦੰਤ ਰੀਸਾਲਾ ॥੭॥ ਤੇਰੀ ਚਾਲ ਸੁਹਾਵੀ ਮਧੁਰਾੜੀ ਬਾਣੀ ॥
Your eyes are beautiful, beautiful are your teeth. Your gait is graceful, sweet is the way you speak.
ਕੁਹਕਨਿ ਕੋਕਿਲਾ ਤਰਲ ਜੁਆਣੀ ॥
Your speech is like the song of the Kokila songbird, and your rising youth is at its peak.
ਤਰਲਾ ਜੁਆਣੀ ਆਪਿ ਭਾਣੀ ਇਛ ਮਨ ਕੀ ਪੂਰੀਏ ॥
Youth appealed to you, so you took this form, seeing which may the heart be content.
ਸਾਰੰਗ ਜਿਉ ਪਗੁ ਧਰੈ ਠਿਮਿ ਠਿਮਿ ਆਪਿ ਆਪੁ ਸੰਧੂਰਏ ॥
Like the elephant, you walk slowly, enjoying yourself, mincing, step by step.
ਸ੍ਰੀ ਰੰਗ ਰਾਤੀ ਫਿਰੈ ਮਾਤੀ ਉਦਕੁ ਗੰਗਾ ਵਾਣੀ ॥
Lakshmi walks in your love, intoxicated, your speech is like the river Ganga, pure.
ਬਿਨਵੰਤਿ ਨਾਨਕੁ ਦਾਸੁ ਹਰਿ ਕਾ ਤੇਰੀ ਚਾਲ ਸੁਹਾਵੀ ਮਧੁਰਾੜੀ ਬਾਣੀ ॥੮॥੨॥
Says Nanak, I am the servant of Hari, Your walk is graceful and your speech has a special allure.
(Guru Granth Sahib, 567)
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