Artist's Notes
“With my eyes I look, and I see none other than Hari. My eyes are lovingly fixated, and I cannot speak of anything else.”
– Guru Angad Dev ji (Guru Granth Sahib, 655)
Pita Mehta Kalu ji looks at newly born Baby Nanak’s face, in a peaceful and serene trance state, holding him in his hands for the first time. In this painting, I wanted to paint a portrait of Mehta Kalu ji, keeping the main focus on Pita ji, while also showing the light of Guru Nanak Dev ji and his divine arrival on earth.
One the of issues I was facing when painting this portrait was the identity of Pita Kalu ji. How would I paint a portrait of him and immediately have everyone know it is Mehta Kalu ji and not someone else? How would people identify him?
So I kept this question in my heart and I meditated as usual.
Guru sahib believed in the philosophy of what is known today as Vishisht Advait, meaning Non-Dual Oneness, so holds up one finger. As Ravidas ji explains –
ਤੋਹੀ ਮੋਹੀ ਮੋਹੀ ਤੋਹੀ ਅੰਤਰੁ ਕੈਸਾ ॥ ਕਨਕ ਕਟਿਕ ਜਲ ਤਰੰਗ ਜੈਸਾ ॥੧॥
You, Me, Me, You, what is the difference? The difference is like Gold and Jewellery, like Water and Waves.
Ravidas ji says – Hey Ram! You and I, we are different but one.
Baby Nanak holds up one finger as a symbol of this state of consciousness, that is non-dual oneness, that he comes to experience and share with us later in his life.
So Pita ji’s embrace was important to show. Kalu ji holds Guru Sahib with his hands. These are the hands that helped shape Guru Sahib into the trader, the traveller and the disciplined man, just like his father. You and me, me and you; we are one, not just two.
Gurcharn Dang –
Some in our community say that we should not depict the image of our Gurus, but many like me need a catalyst to help us get in the mood of understanding the true meaning and feeling the peace, tranquility depth of inner self that Guru Nanak Devji brought to our lives. Bhagatji has captured that medium thru the expression of Wahe guru that just helps me as an individual focused on the materialism and rigors of life.
Gunvir Baveja (verified owner) –
I love it.. Absolutely amazing.

Thank you